uploads/look through.jpg

look through 透視,監聽。

look up

He looked through the rejected suits 他在那些人家不肯要的衣服中尋找。

Look through here . anything you want . go nuts 看看這里,任何一個都可以

I guess you ' ve been looking through some keyholes 我猜你在鑰匙孔偷看

How about when you ' re looking through a chain - link fence 有沒有試過透過鐵鏈圍欄窺看東西

Have you looked through the inside pages of the newspaper 你看了這份報紙里面幾版了嗎?

I was at the gate looking through my purse for my wallet , 在門口那兒我在包里找錢包來著

Looking through quot; eastern turkstan quot; terrorism 國際恐怖主義問題與反恐怖斗爭合作

To look through and behind this mask of me , 犀利地望著我,通過我那給淚雨

Looked through the paper . makes you want to cry 看看這些報紙,讓你想哭。

Would you please look through these pamphlets / brochures 請你看看那幾本小冊子,好嗎?

He looked through his telescope at the approaching ship 他透過望遠鏡看著駛近的輪船。

You may look through the notes and other study materials 大家看一下筆記和相關資料。

And you may look through the new article - - - - - lesson ten 你可以瀏覽新課- - - -第十課。

The accountant quickly look through the pile of invoice 會計迅速地審核了這堆發票。

I looked through the blinds , it went through my mind , 看著你就這樣抱他入懷

Did they go and they looked through each one 他們走了,他們對彼此故意視而不見嗎?

The girls egan to look through the photograph albums 姑娘們開始翻閱照相簿。

You mean to look through al i motels in the area 你的意思是,找遍那里的所有旅館?

It ' s up to them whether theywant to look through it or not 他們想不想看是他們的事